Get strong, healthy and motivated!



On the floor, you can rotate through racks, pull-up bars, airbikes, rings, free weights and kettle bells – with all the space you need to max out high intensity WODs.


Group Exercise

Get bored easily? Switch up your routine by joining one of the gym's classes.


Our prices

Below you see our prices. Payment is made by obtaining a code. Click "Get Code" below.

One-time fee 10€
10 times 79€
1 week 20€
1 month 60€
1 year 490€

Group training is included in the monthly and annual card.


Door code

Want to come and workout with us? Create an account and buy the subscription you want. You get direct access to the gym. Via the account, you can keep track of your codes and their validity.


Are you interested in making an agreement for your company?
Employees who train regularly are more motivated and perform better.
A prosperous staff increases well-being and staff commitment.

Contact us and we will tell you more about our business solutions.


Other information

If you want a tour of the gym before you start exercising, call 050-344 6036 and book an appointment!